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Showing 1-7 of 7 items.

ERIS Simple X

Датчики - газоанализаторы стационарные ERIS Simple X (далее - датчики-газоанализаторы) предназначены для измерений массовой концентрации и (или) объемной доли взрывоопасных газов и паров (в том числе – паров нефтепродуктов), кислорода, диоксида углерода, токсичных газов в воздухе рабочей зоны промышленных помещений и открытых пространств промышленных объектов, трубопроводах и воздуховодах, технологических газовых средах.

DGS ERIS-230 gas detector

The unique gas detector for monitoring of dangerous concentrations of gases and oil vapors. Verification interval 3 years is significantly reduce the cost of periodic verification, and the warranty period of 3 years and a certificate IEC - excellent confirmation of the high quality and reliability of the device!

DGS ERIS-210 gas detector

The unique gas detector for monitoring of dangerous concentrations of gases and oil vapors. Verification interval 3 years is significantly reduce the cost of periodic verification, and the warranty period of 3 years and a certificate IEC - excellent confirmation of the high quality and reliability of the device!

Advant 2 Explosion-proof fixed dual channel gas detector

Advant 2 is the explosion-proof fixed dual-channel gas detector for continuously measure the presence of explosive, toxic gases, oxygen, carbon dioxide, as well as volatile organic compounds in the air even hazardous zones.

DGS ERIS-PID gas detector

DGS ERIS-PID - The unique gas detector for monitoring of dangerous concentrations of VOC's.

DGS ERIS-210-RF ​wireless gas detector

DGS ERIS-210 RF is a wireless single-channel gas detector with autonomous power and data transmission over the radio channel. It allows providing safety in places of lack of engineering networks. It serves for warning about exceeding the mandatory threshold values for the concentrations of explosive, toxic gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air handling zone.


Стационарный газоанализатор ERIS XS является простым и экономичным решением для непрерывного контроля горючих газов, водорода, и паров ЛВЖ в воздухе рабочей зоны, в производственных помещениях и на открытых площадках.