XI Petersburg International Gas Forum

This forum takes place in EXPOFORUM - International Congress and Exhibition Center - from 13 to 16 of September, 2022.
13,000 people from 28 countries will attend this large-scale event.
The products of ERIS will be presented by:
General Director - Yurkov Vladimir Ivanovich,
Head of the regional group - Tensin Alexey Viktorovich,
Chief engineer - Polakov Sergey Andreyevich,
Sales manager - Shestakov Mikhail Vladimirovich.
The Petersburg International Gas Forum dates back to 2011.
The Forum's priority objective is to create a venue for the effective collaboration of gas industry leaders.
More than 90 events are held during the Forum annually in various formats - plenary meetings, conferences, round table discussions.
Over the years, the representatives of Russian and foreign political elites participated in the Forum as speakers: the heads of the relevant Ministries, Departments and committees of the Russian Government, representatives of regional authorities, and the representatives of the Ministries of Italy, Germany, France, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Bolivia, Nigeria.
The Petersburg International Gas Forum is among the top 5 largest international congress and exhibition projects of oil and gas industry.